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Dawn Steffy & Scott Ruth, King and Queen of the Prom?

Gary Miles contemplating his next move.

Lynn Eckman, Craig Edgerton and Sheila Drewen

Dean Cochran masters the unicycle

Lynn Sipe looking very middle school 

Henry "Pop" Steiner: History and Social Studies

Dawn Steffy and Phil Row

Steve Palkovic, RIP

Jim Hoffer lost in thought with Bruce Davis in the background right

Dean Cochran, Gary Miles, David Caldwell and Tom Gibble horsing around at a ball game

Bill Clinton

Sue Resh: Is it real or is it art?

Kelly Mann was destined to go into masks, make-up, and special effects

Tom Gibble and Shelly Vought (left) in The King And I

Bill Dussinger, David Caldwell, Gary Miles and Shelly Vought

Gary Miles working at the Cloister Dairy Ice Cream shop

Faith Lang, Art

Tom Gibble and Shelly Vought cutting a rug at the senior prom

Dennis Bortz, Science teacher and coach

Jim Hoffer being a very good sport at a pep rally

Coach Rush reviews the numbers with Kelly Reedy and Sue Resh

Shelly Vought and Carla Wolf

We started our 9th grade year out with a teacher's strike the first week

Who is this mystery balloon gal at this pep rally ?

Jolyn Eckenrode, Sally Watkins, Gary Miles, Shelly Vought, Scott Ruth, and Mark Summy

Eddie Roth

Tom Gibble as Sigrid Jungquist in, "The Night of January 16th", the WHS Fall play 1974/75

This page is dedicated to vintage photos of the class of 1977. The photos are not exclusively the senior year, but rather a sampling of all our high school years.

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